It takes a number of steps and people and coordination to bring a memoir into the world. (It also takes work).
The essay that sparked this whole process. Editors and agents. A book proposal to write. A book deal. Then, write write write write wriiiite.
After twelve months of writing…GOOOOOOAAAALL: a completed and accepted final draft of TELL ME EVERYTHING YOU DON’T REMEMBER. I’ve never written at such a quick pace.
My novel, on the other hand, took twelve YEARS to write and I’m still not done rewriting it. And it’s due soon, to my editors!

So we’re now in the copyedits stage. Many eyes have scanned the pages. An intrepid and sharp-eyed copyeditor combed through my manuscript for necessary changes over the past month, and now it is in my hands again. My penchant for unnecessary commas is clear to me as I accept changes proofread the proofreader. (Shazam! I caught a couple of things he/she missed!). A legal team has read the manuscript to ensure all things are square on the litigious front.
Blurbs have been courted. Bound manuscript copies have been sent out for said blurbs.
I have cover art–it’s beautiful. I can’t wait to show it to you.
The advance reader copies (ARCs) will be out within a couple of months and the publishing sales team readied.
My editors asked that I make a short video for the sales team–I could have shot something simple with my iPhone (what’s the selfie version of an iPhone video?), but I’d already been pondering a book trailer for a few weeks . A good book trailer can be amazing, a bad one, ineffective (and a major expense).
The fact that a book trailer could achieve two needs at once got me off the fence.
So this week, we shot my book trailer.

I get to have Oprah Lighting! Well. Sort of; I get to be lit up! I had to powder my face and everything.
The entire living room got lighting. Including my bookshelves, the backdrop to some of the book trailer.

It’s hard to talk about my book and not make it sound cheezy. I’m astounded that people even want to hear about my story about having been sick and then getting better. But along the way, I learned lessons about wellness and resilience, and it was gratifying to write them down.
And I can’t wait until my book is out in the world–the official publication date is February 14, 2017.
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